Why Red-Hot Nuclear Stocks Could Easily Make You Rich

There are myriad ways that investors could make a lot of money in the Nuclear Energy Renaissance

For the past several months – really, since ChatGPT’s launch in late 2022 – we’ve been laser-focused on all things artificial intelligence. And of course, the AI Boom that’s unfolding right now presents a lot of opportunities as well as risks. I mean, just imagine. This powerful tech could do things like help researchers develop new cures to treatment-resistant illnesses. And just as easily, it could put many humans out of a job. But we believe that one of the biggest risks this boom presents is a fundamental energy problem

Simply put, AI data centers require a lot of energy to run. And with incumbent methods and infrastructure, we may not have enough to power them.

But the world may have found a solution to this existential AI problem in the unlikeliest of places – nuclear energy

Nuclear: An Unlikely Hero?

At one time, nuclear power was hailed as the best energy source in the world. But that was years ago – before headline disasters like Fukushima in 2011, Chernobyl in 1986, and Three Mile Island in 1979. Those catastrophes were a stark reminder that nuclear power plants can be exceptionally dangerous, not just to humans but to entire ecosystems. 

Nuclear power technology, though, has improved dramatically over the last few decades. And thanks to those advancements, nuclear power plants are no longer all that dangerous. The industry has developed new fuels that are more resistant to radiation, corrosion, and higher temperatures, not to mention advanced instrumentation to monitor every system and process. The underlying technology has meaningfully improved. In fact, studies show that nuclear power plants are significantly safer than traditional power plants, like that of coal, oil, and natural gas.

Indeed, as the World Nuclear Association notes, “In the 60-year history of civil nuclear power generation, with over 18,500 cumulative reactor-years across 36 countries, there have been only three significant accidents at nuclear power plants.”

So, if nuclear energy is indeed safer than pretty much all other energy sources, then why aren’t we using more of it?

After all, it’s far more efficient than any other energy source, too. It has a so-called ‘capacity factor’ – the percentage of time a plant is producing maximum power – of 93%, meaning nuclear power plants produce maximum power about 93% of the time. 

By comparison, natural gas plants have a capacity factor of less than 60%. Coal is down at 40%. Solar is barely at 25%. 

Nuclear energy is far more efficient than all of them!

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